What are the best Instagram practices this year? We all know Instagram algorithm changes continuously and best practices change with it so today I’m answering a question asked by some of my clients.
REGULAR POSTING One of the most important things to remember is the dreaded regular posting. You can post once a day or 3 times a week but what’s important is to be consistent about it.
POST MORE VIDEO CONTENT. Reels are having a huge moment and a video speeds so much louder than a static image - to simplify things; it generates more views resulting in more followers, likes and business results.
USE LESS HASHTAGS. While Instagram will still allow you to use up to 30 hashtags, the nightly people of #hootsuite suggest 3-5 is a better strategy.
OVER-EDITED IMAGES. Stop editing your images ad infinitum. Natural, honest content is preferable. ( Not sure how I’m going to embrace it, maybe more photos of me wearing pj’s while working from home is what’s gonna happen on my Instagram grid next! 😂
SHOW EMOTIONS. Be yourself, don’t try to copy someone else’s strategy, content, etc. Be genuine, be yourself, create content that you really believe in and it will resonate with your followers.
FORGET VANITY METRICS. Concentrate on creating followers ( and for e-commerce businesses CONVERSIONS), rather than worrying about the number of likes. Concentrate on your ultimate goal.
I know, it’s not always easy but if you need help with your Instagram strategy, DM me or email at getintouch@digitalmaman.com and I can help you create on-brand content to accelerate your business.
Until next time
Digital Maman x